Rep. Yaccarino Hosts Successful Summer Clothing Drive with Columbus House

Posted on July 19, 2024


NORTH HAVEN – On Tuesday July 17thState Representative Dave Yaccarino concluded a summer clothing and essentials drive benefitting homeless neighbors and in-need residents and families.

Rep. Yaccarino partnered with Columbus House, of New Haven and Wallingford, to organize donation sites at various businesses and community centers throughout North Haven. The effort focused on providing homeless and insecure residents in the North Haven area with new warm-weather essentials, like t-shirts, underwear,

Support Rep. Yaccarino’s Summer Clothing Drive with Columbus House

Posted on June 14, 2024


North Haven, we need your support! This summer, I am hosting a clothing drive with Columbus House and we are collecting donations of new shirts, shorts, underwear, toiletries, and more to benefit in-need neighbors and families.

To support the drive, you can visit any of our six (6) community partners who will have labeled drop-off boxes. Please visit:

Arnold’s Jewelers
117 Washington Ave

North Haven Memorial Library
17 Elm St

360 Sackett Point Rd

North Haven Fire Department
11 Broadway

Rep. Yaccarino Celebrates State Funding for North Haven: Improvements to Library, Athletic Fields

Posted on June 7, 2024


Two state bonding allocations will benefit North Haven Memorial Library and Bailey Road Athletic Complex

NORTH HAVEN – On Thursday, State Representative Dave Yaccarino and State Senator Paul Cicarella celebrated the announcement of two state grants-in-aid to benefit projects in North Haven. The North Haven Memorial Library will receive $249,000 and the Bailey Road Athletic Complex will receive $500,000, both for facility upgrades.

“I am so thrilled to announce these grants to North Haven which will

Connecticut’s 42nd Annual Holocaust Commemoration

Posted on May 5, 2024


It was a great honor – and a harrowing reminder – on Friday to attend Connecticut’s 42nd Annual Holocaust Commemoration. The ceremony included traditional Jewish cantors, chants, and prayers as well as emotional testimony from Endre Sarkany, who survived life in the Budapest ghetto as a young child. I also met Ben Cooper, a WWII veteran of the 45th Infantry – “The Liberators of Dachau.”

The commemoration challenged a growing tide of antisemitism around the globe, the nation, and here at home with

Rep. Yaccarino Celebrates New Supports for First Responders Killed or Disabled in the Line of Duty

Posted on May 2, 2024


HARTFORD – On Tuesday April 30th, State Representative Dave Yaccarino (R-North Haven) was among the principal co-sponsors and strongest advocates for new legislation which expands benefit eligibility for first responders who may be killed or disabled in the line of duty and their families.

The bipartisan effort to pass H.B. 5279 was led by North Haven lawmakers who witnessed the tragic loss of two firefighters in under one year.

Firefighter Matthias Wirtz was 46 on December 26th, 2022, when he died

Rep. Yaccarino, House Republicans Propose Plan to Balance FY25 Budget

Posted on April 26, 2024


Contains structural spending reforms, invests in local education,

stays under the spending cap

On Thursday, I joined my House Republican colleagues to release a plan to balance the second year of the state budget, keeping a promise to Connecticut residents by honoring the fiscal guardrails, focusing on affordability, pursuing structural spending reforms, and increasing funding for local education to help prevent more pressure on local property taxpayers.


Our plan was developed to balance the budget

Rep. Yaccarino Celebrates Winner of Annual Women’s History Month Essay Contest

Posted on March 28, 2024


NORTH HAVEN – On Thursday, March 28thState Rep. Dave Yaccarino presented the winner of his annual Women’s History Month Essay Contest with a special state citation.

Virginia Tupper, a sixth-grade student at North Haven Middle School, was selected by her teachers as the winner of Rep. Yaccarino’s annual contest, acknowledging the excellence of her essay celebrating Ruth A. Lucas.

Participants were asked to write an essay on the prompt, “Important Women in Connecticut’s History and How Their Contributions

Rep. Yaccarino Testifies to Advance Biosciences in Connecticut

Posted on March 14, 2024

Today in the Commerce Committee, which I proudly served on for six years, I testified in strong support of SB 379, a bill that would expand a tax credit for biotech businesses in Connecticut.
The bioscience industry in Connecticut is booming and has grown considerably in my time serving as co-chair of the bipartisan Bioscience Caucus. I am incredibly proud of our work to support one of our state’s largest – and growing rapidly – industries.
Over the last decade, Connecticut has gained its footing

Public Hearing Alert: Election Security and EV Mandates

Posted on March 11, 2024


This Wednesday, there will be two important public hearings debating key issues in Connecticut. I encourage you to register to speak or submit testimony.

🗳️ ELECTION SECURITY: With cases of fraud Bridgeport putting Connecticut’s elections on the national stage, it is overdue to sure up the integrity of our state’s elections. House Republicans’ proposal – SB 390 – is a mandatory one-year jail sentence for anyone convicted of criminal election law violations.

➡️ Register to speak:

Rep. Yaccarino Visits Civics and History Classes at North Haven High School

Posted on March 6, 2024


It was a pleasure this week to join a few of Mr. Smith’s classes at North Haven High School and speak with Civics and United States History students. They were engaged and had excellent questions, ranging from a day in the life of a state legislator to my outlook on some national issues. Thank you all for having me!