Rep. Yaccarino, State Republicans Announce A Plan For A Safer Connecticut

Posted on March 14, 2023


HARTFORD— State Rep. Dave Yaccarino (R-87) joined his House Republican colleagues to unveil a set of legislative proposals aimed at addressing growing concerns for public safety in Connecticut’s cities and towns. In a press conference, state Republicans outlined the comprehensive approach to making Connecticut safer which features four main pillars of public safety.

“Residents and business owners are increasingly concerned with public safety being eroded in their neighborhoods and where they serve their communities,” Rep. Yaccarino said. “Some of our must vulnerable neighbors, like our seniors, are particularly concerned with these troubling crime increases. We are focused on reducing crime by enhancing services for at-risk youth, supporting law enforcement, increasing protections for victims of domestic violence, and making necessary reforms to the bail bond system.”

Juvenile Crime

The pandemic worsened an already growing issue in our state – teenaged juvenile offenders, especially committing vehicle thefts. Unfortunately, there are often innocent bystanders who are directly impacted by these actions. Our current laws coddle these offenders and disregard victims, while also encouraging “clean slates” for criminal records.

  • Expand the circumstances by which a juvenile offender is automatically transferred to the regular criminal docket, including commission of a serious juvenile offense
  • Reestablish the Family with Service Needs Program (FSNP) to provide diversion services for children who are beyond control, runaways, or truant from school

Bail Bonds Reforms

Connecticut’s bail system has been under assault from the courts and legislative Democrats. It’s no surprise that it has cracked under the pressure and let bad actors game the system.

  • Streamline the licensing system for bail bondsmen as well as imposing fiduciary standards on clients’ funds similar to the system used by attorneys
  • Hold bad actors in the bail bonds market accountable to support allies

Supporting Law Enforcement

Decisions from the majority in the legislature in recent years have severely damaged morale among the ranks of our state troopers and local police departments, leading them engage in less proactive enforcement.

  • Allow officers to re-engage with proactive policing, such as requesting a driver’s consent to search their motor vehicle in order to get guns and drugs off the street, pursuing offenders in cases of stolen vehicles or property, litigating governmental immunity in a way that is fair to both sides.

No Tolerance for Domestic Violence

Incidents of domestic violence crowd the headlines in Connecticut in which victims are grossly abused by members of their family or loved ones.

  • Increase the penalty on murders committed during an act of domestic violence to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
  • Enhance protections for the surviving victims, including an expansion of GPS monitoring of the most dangerous domestic violence offenders.

Representative Dave Yaccarino represents North Haven in the 87th Assembly District.
