North Haven Lawmakers Applaud $250k Investment in North Haven Athletic Fields
Posted on December 8, 2022

State Sen. Paul Cicarella and State Rep. Dave Yaccarino today applauded the State Bond Commission’s approval of a $250, 000 grant to the Town of North Haven to finance town park and field improvements. The grant was awarded through the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.
Sen. Cicarella said, “Thank you to the governor and Bond Commission for approving these funds, which the Town of North Haven will use to upgrade its public parks and fields. Also, thanks to the town’s public works director Lynn Sadosky and her team for their ongoing work to make our recreation areas a destination for North Haven families.
“We all want safe and attractive spaces to go for a walk, or for our kids to play sports, to name a few. I continue to make memories on our hometown fields coaching my son and other young people in the Max Sinoway Little League, and our youth soccer leagues. I fought hard to deliver this funding because it benefits all residents. This state investment enables North Haven to have desirable recreation areas that make it a great place to live and raise a family.”
“I am proud to support the bonding commission’s decision to make a significant grant-in-aid to the town of North Haven to bolster some of its athletic fields,” Rep. Yaccarino said. “Like many of you, I have fond memories of playing youth baseball in North Haven and even mentoring young ball players as a coach. The state bond commission’s generosity towards North Haven will bolster some of our town facilities to preserve these public areas for future generations to realize their athletic dreams and build a strong community in their town.”