Piscopo Achieves Perfect Voting Record

Posted on August 11, 2023


HARTFORD – The House Clerk’s Office released its official vote tally and participation report, which indicated that John Piscopo (R-Thomaston) was present and took part in each vote the Speaker of the House called this year – earning him a perfect voting record. While in session, representatives were asked to vote on 368 different occasions. Several of those votes took place near the midnight hour and beyond.

“No matter what the circumstances are, when we are called to conduct the business of the people, I am always willing to participate in that process. Quality debates only add depth to the public policies that we consider and voting on those ideas is one of the purest forms of democracy. It is an honor representing the interests of the businesses and residents of the 76th District – Burlington, Harwinton, Litchfield, and Thomaston,” said Rep. Piscopo.

Of note, Piscopo was proud to support one of the largest tax cuts in Connecticut history. He also went on to support historic legislation aimed at improving the quality of life of those with intellectual and developmental disabilities, ensuring our first responders and others who perform road-side emergency service are better protected, and enhancing public safety protections to crack down on car thefts and related crimes.

The legislature will convene its 2024 session on Tuesday, February 7th. The shorter session format is designed for lawmakers to adjust the current two-year state budget based on tax revenue and economic change.
