2024 Major Public Acts Report

Posted on May 21, 2024


The nonpartisan Office of Legislative Research (OLR) has published its 2024 “Major Public Acts” report. This report gives a categorical breakdown of the major topics that the General Assembly addressed in the 2024 session. OLR produces this report in consultation with the nonpartisan Office of Fiscal Analysis (OFA). The legislation included in the report has been broken out into 20 different categories including energy, environment, taxes, and transportation.

To review the report in its entirety,

Case Raises Concern Over Underfunding Services to Vulnerable Populations

Posted on May 8, 2024


HARTFORD – State Rep. Jay Case (R-Winsted) voiced concern over the budget adjustments that were put forth during Tuesday’s House session. The General Assembly sets a two-year budget. The current budget was originally created during the 2023 session year. Typically, adjustments are made to the second year of the budget in order to avoid shortfalls or overspending. In an unprecedented move, the majority moved to fill budget gaps with one-time payments from funds provided to the state through the American

Republican Budget Adjustments

Posted on April 26, 2024


The Appropriations Committee’s leaders did not feel it was necessary to move forward a budget adjustment bill this session. Typically, this piece of legislation is the start of the budgeting process. The inaction on this bill, with just days left in our current legislative session, has put the state’s finances in limbo. The FY 2025 budget is above the spending cap and doesn’t balance, which is why House Republicans put forth a plan that provides a path to a balanced document that is $43.5 million