Tolls Blocked By Republicans in the House

Posted on June 7, 2017


HARTFORD – State Representative Tami Zawistowski (R-61) commented today after the House of Representatives tabled a proposal to study the implementation of electronic tolls – effectively killing the proposal.

The proposal, offered as a strike-all amendment by the legislature’s Transportation Committee, would have requested the Commissioner of Transportation to prepare a state-wide plan to implement electronic tolling systems on the highways of this state.

“It’s not just border tolls, which are not allowed under federal law,” said Rep. Zawistowski.  “A recent document distributed by the Department of Transportation depicted the implementation of electronic tolls on all interstates and major state routes 2, 8, 9 and 11 – and possibly even route 20.  This is not something that will only affect out-of-state drivers.  Connecticut residents make up approximately 70% of those on the road and, as a result, the burden of paying the tolls will be forced upon them.  We are losing population every day due to our poor fiscal status and policies, and this is just another reason for residents and businesses to flee to greener pastures.”

The requested plan would seek to identify the highways, or the portions thereof, where such electronic tolling systems may be located and the toll amounts that may be charged, including the use of dynamic pricing and discounts, if any.  The resulting plan would then come back before the legislature for another vote of whether or not to accept the recommendations and implementation of the plan.

The amendment and underlying bill did not have the support needed to pass the house and, before the bill was called for a vote, leadership in the House tabled the bill.  If the vote tally is to change in favor of the Democrat majority before tomorrow night at midnight, the Speaker reserves the right to recall the proposal.