A path to REVIVE our state.

Through the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), the State of Connecticut will have nearly $3 billion in discretionary spending available to help fuel our recovery from the pandemic. At this critical moment in our state's history, it's crucial that state government use this money properly to push our state toward success.

Gov. Lamont's Plan, Our Plan: A Comparison

Governor Lamont has issued a proposal, but our plan includes new priorities we believe better fit what's needed to revive our state. Our chief goal was to avoid using these one-time federal revenues for current or new long-term programs, aiming to avoid making our state’s structural budgetary problems worse. We focused our attention on infrastructure challenges that have been revealed through the pandemic as well as concepts we contend will help fuel economic growth.

Major Category

Total Governor

Total House GOP

Early Childhood
Care4Kids Parent Fees for Two Years
House Republicans would allocate more for parents in work training/higher education where two-year certification is likely

Total Governor


Total House GOP


Government Services NEW
Special Transportation Fund
Governor Lamont did not contemplate using rescue act to ensure viability of the the fund. Our plan does. 

Total Governor


Total House GOP


Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund
House Republicans would invest in offsetting future business taxes/penalties

Total Governor


Total House GOP


K12 Education NEW
We propose providing 10,000 children who cannot attend school with remote learning opportunities, recommending Pearson model instruction. 

Total Governor


Total House GOP


K12 Education NEW
Our plan provides technical high schools with funding for extended hours, solving what contend has been an impediment to strengthening our state's workforce.

Total Governor


Total House GOP


Early Childhood
Early Childhood Funding for Home Visiting RFP
House Republicans would prioritize single-parent households.

Total Governor


Total House GOP


Economic Support for Venues
Our plan would allocate for venues outside of the Capitol Region Development Authority (e.g. Riverhouse at Haddam, Aqua Turf in Southington, Dodd Stadium in Norwich.)

Total Governor


Total House GOP


Government Services
Biennium Budget Revenue
Our plan would reduce federal dollars for general fund utilization, reducing out-year potential cliff by instituting CREATES report savings.

Total Governor


Total House GOP


Economic NEW
Supports to Arts and Cultural Organizations.
Our plan would focus on local non-profit arts groups that had no paid staff, not qualifying for PPP

Total Governor


Total House GOP


Mental Health NEW 
K12 expansion of suicide prevention, using QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) protocols.

Total Governor


Total House GOP


Government Services NEW
Our plan creates a Veteran Service Organizations Infrastructure Program (VIP), max grant amount $100,000.

Total Governor


Total House GOP


Public Health NEW
Our plan calls for long term assessment and upgrades at the Sgt. John L. Levitow Healthcare Center veterans' home in Rocky Hill.

Total Governor


Total House GOP


Government Services NEW
Our plan creates a Homeless & Domestic Violence Center Infrastructure Program, max grant amount $25,000

Total Governor


Total House GOP


Public Health NEW
Landlord Assistance Fund for lead abatement, weatherization, and other public health upgrades focused on children's health outcomes

Total Governor


Total House GOP


Government Services NEW
Municipal Program, including bikeways, sidewalks to support non-car transportation, max grant amount $25,000 & local match 20%

Total Governor


Total House GOP


K12 Education NEW
Provide technical high schools with legislatively approved investments and encourage manufacturing partnerships. Use the previously discussed Finance Committee priority list.

Total Governor


Total House GOP


Government Services NEW
Our plan would create a Municipal Park and Recreation Infrastructure Program, max grant amount $100,000

Total Governor


Total House GOP


Mental Health
Adult Mental Health Services
Our plan would not fund additional social media advertising. 

Total Governor


Total House GOP


Government Services NEW
House Republicans plan for Senior Center and Library Grants for technology upgrades & expand subscription services, max grant amount $20,000.

Total Governor


Total House GOP


K12 Education NEW 
Provide technical high schools with legislatively approved investments and encourage manufacturing partnerships. Use the previously discussed Finance Committee priority list.

Total Governor


Total House GOP


State COVID Testing Program
The House Republican allocation plan instead prioritizes testing at nursing homes. 

Total Governor


Total House GOP


Public Health
House Republicans call for more funding for respite care for family caregivers.

Total Governor


Total House GOP


Governor's Plan, Our Plan: Capitol Projects Fund Comparison

Connecticut is set to receive more than $141 million in federal aid for capitol projects. See below for just a few of our ideas.


Gov. FY22

House GOP Fy22

Nursing Homes
Infrastructure Fund
Our plan would provide a low cost program for improvements like HVAC, internet platforms that support communication.

Total Gov. Spend


House Rs Spend


Public Space Connectivity

Total Gov. Spend


House Rs Spend


Non Profit Support NEW
Our plan allows for rolling grant application process for capital improvements, max grant amount $250,000.

Total Gov. Spend


House Rs Spend
