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State Rep. Dave Rutigliano: Comment on Proposals to Ban Gas-Powered Cars and Trucks

Posted on August 11, 2023


Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I’m writing to let you know about major regulatory changes that will impact all of us.

The state’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) is accepting written comments on two proposed regulations, one that would ban the sale of new gas-powered passenger cars (beginning in 2035) and another that would gradually prohibit the sale of new gas-powered trucks that are used to ship goods and provide essential services.

I have significant concerns about the unintended consequences of the proposed bans, including their impact on businesses and residents, as well as the finances of many who are already grappling with costs associated with living in one of the nation’s most energy-expensive states. 

A 2035 ban on all gas-powered passenger vehicle sales is just 12-years away …

You can submit your written comments to DEEP by August 23rd.

Below is information on both regulatory proposals and associated comment links.

How to comment on the proposals:

 You can access the proposed regulations on cars by clicking here.