New Laws Effective in Connecticut as of Oct. 1

Posted on October 3, 2024

HARTFORD – As of Oct. 1, several new laws are on the books that may be of interest to you, your family, or your business.

They cover a range of topics including, online privacy, tax relief and consumer protection. A short list is included below, including several that were co-sponsored by Rep. Nuccio, which you can read at your convenience.

An Act Concerning Authority To Declare That A Firefighter, Police Officer Or Emergency Medical Service Personnel Died In The Line Of Duty

An Act Establishing

Rep. Nuccio Shares Multi-Point Energy Plan to Address High Costs

Posted on September 10, 2024

HARTFORD – In response to an ongoing crisis that has caused a massive spike in energy bills in Connecticut, Rep. Tammy Nuccio released a multi-point plan to help reduce costs for residents.

Rep. Nuccio joined her Republican colleagues recently in calling for an immediate special session to legislatively address high costs.

Following the outrageous increase in electricity bills that have impacted Connecticut residents in recent months, Rep. Nuccio set up multiple meetings and phone calls with energy

Posted on August 22, 2024

HARTFORD – Honor our heroes by nominating a deserving veteran for the Veterans Hall of Fame!

The Connecticut Veterans Hall of Fame is the official tribute recognizing former members of the United States military from Connecticut who have continued making significant impacts on the lives of others and their communities after leaving military service.

Veterans recognized for the honor are leaders in a variety of areas, such as education, public service, the arts, volunteer activities, and community