Celebrating a New McDonald’s Restaurant in Orange

Posted on March 6, 2024

THE CIRCLE OF LIFE: 65 years ago a six year old boy and his father went to the McDonald’s on the Boston Post Road in Orange. It was a rather small but not inconspicuous building with two giant Golden Arches and a walk-up order window. There was a miniature golf course there as well. The cheeseburger back then was 15 cents…I remember it well because their top competitor from West Haven was Scotty’s which was located at Sea Bluff Beach. Their cheeseburgers were only 12 cents. We would always pay three cents more and go to McDonald’s because the burgers were so much better. Fast forward 65 years and that boy, now a State Rep is invited to a ribbon cutting for the newly renovated McDonald’s still at the same location. Nostalgia? You bet! The peck place elementary school band was there and played three songs including the National Anthem and the Star Wars Theme. “The band always wins…”. McDonald’s always gives back to the community: Ronald McDonald House; Donating to our school systems and Prisoner Meals Program. CONGRATULATIONS to the McDonald’s Corporation for the successful renovation launch of its Orange store.
-Charlie Ferraro