Rep. Hall Receives Perfect Score from Leading Business Organization

Posted on July 18, 2024

Each year, the Connecticut Business & Industry Association (CBIA) selects legislation addressed during that session based on their potential impact (both positive and negative) on job growth and the state’s economic outlook and grades lawmakers for either supporting or not supporting the position of the business community.
I’m proud to have once again received a 100% score for my support of our business community.

Senator John A. Kissel and Representative Carol Hall Applaud State Education Funding Enhancement for Enfield

Posted on July 8, 2024


Senator Kissel and Representative Hall are pleased to announce increased funding for the Enfield School District this year. The Connecticut State Department of Education has announced that the district will receive a total of $275,000 to Enfield for the district’s bold and innovative strategies to improve student outcomes. In 2018, Enfield was considered “overfunded” under the Education Cost Sharing ECS funding formula and has received flat ECS funding since then. After meeting with both Senator

Wrong Way Detection Installations in the Greater Hartford Area

Posted on June 25, 2024


The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is announcing the start of wrong way detection installations at 42 high-risk off-ramps in the greater Hartford area.

This may include radar, video, and/or thermal cameras that will be deployed along off-ramps as the primary detection for wrong-way vehicles. The detection will then activate flashing red circular lights located on the wrong-way signs alerting drivers that they are traveling in the wrong direction and need to take corrective action.