Rep. Ackert: 2016 Major Public Acts

Posted on June 17, 2016


Many important and consequential pieces of legislation were debated and passed by the General Assembly throughout the 2016 Legislative Session.

To read a summary of the 2016 Major Public Acts passed during the legislative session, please click here.

In order to better understand this legislation, the non-partisan Office of Legislative Research has also released summaries of new laws affecting different issue areas. Each summary indicates the public act (PA) number and effective date. Some of the issue areas include:

Acts Affecting Seniors

Acts Affecting People with Disabilities

Acts Affecting Children

Acts Affecting Firefighters and Fire Marshals

Acts Affecting Energy & Utilities

Acts Affecting Veterans and the Military

Major legislation from the 2016 May and June special sessions, which included the budget and bond acts, as well as acts affecting economic development, taxes, and social services, will be published separately in a forthcoming report.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at or (860) 240-8700.

I hope this information is helpful.