
“While not unexpected, the governor’s decision today to veto the bipartisan budget is frustrating if not infuriating, not just for the legislators who got it through our chambers here, but more so for the local leaders who for months have pleaded for us to get a budget in place to allow them to provide the core services their constituents expect—educating children, paving roads, and simply keeping town halls open. Make no mistake, the governor has stamped his seal on this crisis faced by municipalities and people who depend on core state services—he rejected the only plan that made it through the legislature, favoring his roughshod approach that will undoubtedly draw cities and towns deeper into the ‘permanent fiscal crisis’ he and his team in the legislature fueled. We intend to fight for the bipartisan budget, which fully funds local schools and municipalities, by pushing our Democrat colleagues to override the governor’s veto.”  – House Republican Leader Themis Klarides