Statement from House GOP Leader Klarides on Gov. Malloy’s Budget Revisions
Posted on August 18, 2017
HARTFORD – House Republican Leader Themis Klarides today reacted to the Governor’s proposed budget reductions, calling them punitive because the deepest cuts are targeted to towns and cities that have shown fiscal responsibility.
Democrats have refused to consider the numerous balanced Republican budgets that raised no taxes since April, and that have been revised multiple times since, yet the majority party has failed to come with a single, complete proposal themselves.
“Municipalities that have exhibited fiscal restraint, have relied less on state aid than others, and have built up relatively large fund balances because they are well run pay for that responsible financial approach under the Governor’s plan,’’ Klarides said. “I understand the need to make adjustments because there is no budget in place, but had Republicans been in charge of the legislature we would have passed a budget before now.’’She noted that 85 towns and cities that receive less than the statewide average of state aid will receive no Education Cost Sharing money under this plan that will be in place until the budget is passed.
“We share the Governor’s frustration at not having a budget 50 days into the current fiscal year, but unlike the Democrats, Republicans actually proposed numerous budgets,’’ Klarides said.