Rep Form

  • Crime
  • Government Accountability/Transparency
  • Choice
  • Education
  • Cost/Affordability
  • Housing
  • Children
  • Environment
  • Groceries
  • Gas
  • Home heating oil
  • Health insurance
  • Local property (home) taxes
  • Motor vehicle taxes
  • State income taxes
  • Government fees
  • Child tax deduction
  • Sales tax reduction
  • Income tax reduction
  • Gas tax reduction
When it comes to crime, which most accurately represents how constituents you’ve talked to feel about public safety in your district?(Required)
  • Deterrence by stronger prosecution and penalties
  • More cops on the streets
  • More jobs/opportunity
  • More funding for social service/community programs
  • Car break-ins
  • Car thefts
  • Home break-ins
  • Property vandalism
  • Purse-snatchings
  • Car-jackings
  • Robbery
  • Assault
When it comes to crime, and juvenile car theft in particular, which most accurately represents how constituents you’ve talked to feel about punishing perpetrators?(Required)
  • Choice/personal freedom
  • Availability of charging stations
  • Impact on electric rates
  • Free market
  • Cost of vehicles
  • Range anxiety
  • Impact on life schedule