Parental Rights Are Under Attack

Posted on August 3, 2023


Please See My Recent Column on the Latest Attack on Parental Rights: 

As all parents and guardians know, a child’s welfare is of the utmost importance. If they are sick, we want to know. If they are unhappy, we want to make them feel better. And when they go off to school, we trust our educators to let us know what happens to our children during the day.

But if Connecticut’s Attorney General William Tong has his way, parents will be kept in the dark about what their children say to educators during the day. Tong is using taxpayer resources in Connecticut to support a Massachusetts school’s defense of a lawsuit. Tong recently filed a brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Foote et al. v. Ludlow School Committee et al., arguing in support of Ludlow’s practice of only sharing information about a student’s transgender or gender identity with the student’s parents if the student consents, according to his office. Tong says providing this information to parents would somehow be “dangerous” because it may “out” the student to their parents.

Where is the limit to this? This policy means that if a child as young as 5 or 6 feels one day that he or she is a different gender and tells their teacher, the information would be hidden from parents.

Parents have every right to know what is happening in the lives and education of their children, and educators have an obligation to inform them when a child exhibits what could be serious life-altering behavioral changes. This is not about transgender students; it is about a clear violation of parental rights.

Why would Connecticut’s Attorney General get involved in a lawsuit in another state? To push a progressive ideology that continues to harm our children. There is no reason for his participation on behalf of Connecticut residents, other than carrying out an agenda.

Parents are critical to their child’s development. If it were any other mental health or physical issue, the schools would let the parents know, but transgender issues are somehow a big secret. It is irresponsible and reckless of a school not to inform parents of all their needs because it denies parents the ability to provide guidance and get their children help.

This type of policy, pushed by extremist ideologues, is meant to turn children against their parents, and arrogantly sends a message to parents that “we know what is best for your child, not you.”

And as you know, I am all for people’s individual freedoms and adults can choose to identify however they want. But when it comes to our children, they need a parent’s guidance, especially when they are young, and denying that guidance could do irreparable harm to them later in life.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns pertaining to state government. I can be reached by email at or by phone at (800) 842-1423. You can also follow my legislative activity by visiting my website at or my Facebook page at