Governor’s Emergency Powers Extended: I Voted NO

Posted on September 29, 2021


On Monday, the House of Representatives was called into a Special Legislative Session to vote on extending Governor Lamont’s public health and civil preparedness emergencies until February 15, 2022.

During debate, House Republicans offered an amendment that sought to include public participation and transparency in any extension moving forward. The amendment would have required a public hearing at least three days prior to any executive order being filed. Unfortunately for the residents of Connecticut, the Democrats blocked a vote on the amendment.

Read more here.

Despite unanimous opposition from Republicans, the Democrat-led Majority Party chose to extend the governor’s public health and civil preparedness emergencies through the start of next year’s legislative session.

The final vote tally was 80-60, with 10 House Democrats joining every member of our caucus in voting to restore your voice in future decisions concerning reopening our state.

I voted against this latest extension, as I have in the past when the legislature considered extending the governor’s emergency powers. There is no legitimate reason to allow the governor to have unilateral authority in running our state any longer. The state legislature must be allowed to do its job.

Read the resolution here.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns pertaining to state government. I can be reached by email at or by phone at (800) 842-1423. You can also follow my legislative activity by visiting my website at or my Facebook page at

