Statement by House GOP Leader Klarides Opposing Expansion of UConn Bus Service line

Posted on August 11, 2017


“We share Gov. Malloy’s frustration over the state budget impasse given that Republicans have put forth numerous budgets and cost saving SEBAC alternatives. We are asking Gov. Malloy to reconsider expanding bus service to the UConn campuses at this time as services for the needy, including elderly food programs and support for the disabled, are being cut.

Klarides noted that the school year has not even begun and the expansion does not represent a pressing need.

“This is a highly subsidized bus line that, even if the rosy rider participation estimates prove reasonably accurate, will cost the DOT at least $1 million to operate. If the Governor decides to go ahead with this plan we will then appeal to our Democrat colleagues to reconsider this issue as we implement budget language.’’