House GOP Leader Klarides Reacts to Malloy Bond Meeting Cancellation
Posted on March 21, 2017
House Republican Leader Themis Klarides released the following statement Tuesday:
“The governor continues to push policies that have been harshly criticized by Republicans, Democrats and local leaders. Pushing costs on to towns isn’t true reform; it’s a different way of paying for the same thing. It’s the ultimate gimmick. In the end, taxpayers will still have to foot the bill.”
“Connecticut residents are tired of these shell games and cost shifts. We need to make real, structural changes that will result in more affordable, leaner government. This governor doesn’t seem to get it.”
In response to the governor cancelling the March bond commission meeting, Rep. Klarides said:
“Cancelling one bond commission meeting won’t amount to much unless we change the way we do business in Hartford. Under this governor our borrowing has soared to astronomical levels- pushing costs further and further in to the future. Republicans have proposed setting a hard bond cap to achieve real borrowing reform. We are still waiting for the governor’s support.”