
In early June, Republicans raised concerns about the financial pressure residents would experience this fall as they faced the skyrocketing expense of heating their homes. House and Senate Republicans proposed a plan to use some of the state’s significant surplus funds to provide additional home heating assistance to those who would need it. Our plan fell on deaf ears. Our concern on this subject continues as the legislature grapples with the reality that one-time federal funding for people who rely on the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program has evaporated.  There’s a public hearing Monday that provides you an opportunity to share your concerns about this topic either in person (via Zoom) or by submitting written testimony. Please consider participating by telling state lawmakers about how rising home heating costs will impact you and your family members. Here’s how to participate:

Public Hearing, committees on Appropriations,

Energy, and Human Services

Monday, Aug. 29, 10 a.m.

>> Testify by Zoom: Go here to sign up. The deadline is Fri., Aug. 26 at 3 p.m. Speaker order will be posted on the Appropriations Committee website by 5 p.m. the same day.

>> Submit written testimony: Email a Word or PDF document to APPTestimony@cga.ct.gov; ETTestimony@cga.ct.gov; HSTestimony@cga.ct.gov. (Please copy me on the email using vincent.candelora@housegop.ct.gov)

>> If you do not have internet access, you may provide testimony via telephone. To register to testify by phone, call the Phone Registrant Line at 860-240-0033 to leave your contact information.

You can watch the hearing via CT-N or YouTube Live.