Davis, Hall Recap Legislative Session in East Windsor

Posted on June 28, 2017


EAST WINDSOR- State Reps. Christopher Davis (R-57) and Carol Hall (R-59) provided East Windsor residents with an end-of-session wrap-up last Tuesday night.

The lawmakers gave brief opening remarks about their thoughts on the session before answering questions from residents.

“We still have a lot of unfinished business left to do,” said Rep. Davis. “Everyone in Connecticut is waiting on us to pass a budget, and that is what all of us should be focused on right now as the end of the fiscal year quickly approaches.”

Rep. Hall said, “This was a great opportunity to meet with our constituents in East Windsor to provide insight into our voting records, as well as describe legislation that passed that could come into effect soon. This was a great opportunity for Rep. Davis and I to explain our process for voting the way we did on a number of issues.”

For the majority of residents in attendance, the discussion and questions centered around legislation regarding casino expansion, the crumbling foundation issue, and the state’s budget.

Reps. Davis and Hall, who both voted in favor of the casino expansion, explained why they supported requiring a local referendum on casino expansion and why surrounding towns will be receiving additional state funding for potential impacts to traffic, education, and public safety that they may have due to the projected size of the facility.

The casino bill, Senate Bill 957, passed the House 103 to 44. Rep. Davis expressed that he was disappointed that his amendment to require the town of East Windsor to hold a referendum for residents to vote to approve the construction of the third casino failed, 59 to 90.

Rep. Davis said the reason he proposed the amendment was due to a number of constituents who reached out to him, that were both pro and anti-casino, wanting to see the entire town have the opportunity to vote on allowing the casino to be built.

Crumbling foundation homeowners saw no legislation action take place during the regular session due to bipartisan legislation being held up by the majority party. But, Rep. Davis told residents that the Majority Leader of the House Matt Ritter (D-Hartford) assured all lawmakers that the House would be taking the crumbling foundation issue up during the special session as part of the budget implementation and bond authorization processes.

Reps. Davis and Hall added that the House and Senate now have to pass a budget by June 30th or the governor would have the authority to run the state through executive orders.

Rep. Davis explained, “Not passing a budget by the June 7th was bad, but not passing a budget by June 30th will send a negative message to residents and business at a time when we need to be regaining their confidence. Republicans are ready to pass a budget that does this, but will not bend if the Democrats decide to raise taxes again. The window to the pass a budget is closing quickly, and I hope that we can come to an agreement next week on a budget proposal.”

Rep. Hall said, “As we negotiate the state’s budget in the coming weeks, I will continue to fight for the taxpayers in the 59th district. We do not have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem – and I will continue to make that clear as we move forward.”

Residents who were unable to attend or have questions can contact Rep. Davis or Rep. Hall at (860) 240-8700 or by email Christopher.Davis@housegop.ct.gov or Carol.Hall@cga.ct.gov.