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Rep. Delnicki Celebrates ‘Read Across America’ with South Windsor Students

Posted on March 6, 2024


SOUTH WINDSOR- State Representative Tom Delnicki (R-14) visited Eli Terry Elementary School to celebrate the joys of reading with the Read Across America Day.

Rep. Delnicki read What Do You Do With a Chance? by Kobi Yamada to the fifth grade students at Eli Terry.

Rep. Delnicki said, “I love reading to children. The book taught some great lessons on embracing life, overcoming one’s fears and insecurities, and taking chances.”

The book tells the story of a child visited by his first chance and unsure what to do with it, he lets it go. Later, when a new chance arrives, he reaches for it, but this time he misses and falls. Embarrassed and afraid, he begins ignoring each new chance that comes by, even though he still wants to take them. Then one day he realizes that he doesn’t need to be brave all the time, just at the right time, to find out what amazing things can happen when he takes a chance.

The National Education Association launched Read Across America in 1998 as a year-round program to celebrate reading. Given Dr. Seuss’ impact on the reading world, his birthday (March 2) was declared Read Across America Day. This also commences Read Across America Week and Read Across America Month.