Thank you for visiting this page. We've compiled information and links to resources and programs you might find useful during and after the coronavirus outbreak. 

For the most current updates on public health information and the state's response to this crisis, please click here. Additionally, the state maintains a frequently asked questions guide here.


Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP)

SNAP is a federally funded program that provides nutritional assistance to low-income families to cover the cost of food at supermarkets, grocery stores and farmers' markets.
Administration of the program: State Department of Social Services
Click here for program information 
Eligibility: For a family of four, the gross monthly income limit is $3,970. Income limits differ for elderly and disabled. Click here for eligibility details
When to Apply: Anytime
Click here to apply
Amount of Assistance: Benefits vary based on the household income, dependent care expenses, shelter costs, medical costs, and child support payments. For a family of four, the maximum SNAP benefit is $646 monthly.
Specific COVID-19 Measures
  • Automatically extends SNAP eligibility for those whose renewals were due in March, April or May. They will not have to renew until September, October and November 2020, respectively.
  • Suspends work requirements for able bodied adults without dependent children in all towns for the duration of the public health emergency.
  • Provides Emergency SNAP benefits – All recipients will receive the maximum SNAP benefit amount for March and April. Families that normally don’t qualify for maximum benefits will be given the difference in two payments delivered on April 9th and 20th. Read more here.
SNAP is a federally funded program that provides nutritional assistance to low-income families to cover the cost of food at supermarkets, grocery stores and farmers' markets.

Federal Changes to Unemployment Compensation

A new federal law temporarily expands eligibility for unemployment compensation, extends the period of time during which eligible individuals can receive unemployment, and provides additional unemployment benefits payments. These changes are in effect from April 1 to December 31, 2020, but retroactive to claims filed as early as January 27.
Administration of the Program: Administered by the Connecticut Department of Labor pursuant to guidance issued by the US Department of Labor.
Helpful information on the web:
State DOL question and answer guide
Federal Department of Labor
National Law Review
Expanded Benefits:
  • Provides an additional 13 weeks of UIC benefits which, when added to the 26 weeks CT already allows, provides for a total of 39 weeks of benefits.
  • Provides an additional $600 per week through July 31, 2020.
Expanded Eligibility:
  • Non-profit employees, self-employed, independent contractors, and gig economy workers now qualify for unemployment benefits.
  • Suspension of requirement to be actively looking for full-time employment
  • You can't go to work because your employer temporarily ceased operations due to COVID-19.
  • You can't go to work because you're quarantined with the expectation you'll return to work once the quarantine is over.
  • You quit due to a risk of exposure or infection or to care for a family member
NOT Eligible:
  • If your employer offers you telework and you can work from home.
  • If you are receiving other paid leave under federal paid sick leave and paid FMLA programs.
Employer Reimbursement: The temporary, expanded benefits are fully federally funded and not charged to the employer's UI account.
When to Apply: Employees should apply for UIC benefits as soon as they lose employment for any reason.
Click here to apply
If you are unemployed due to COVID-19 reasons, follow the instructions here

A new federal law temporarily expands eligibility for unemployment compensation, extends the period of time during which eligible individuals can receive unemployment, and provides additional unemployment benefits payments. These changes are in effect from April 1 to December 31, 2020, but retroactive to claims filed as early as January 27.

Individual and Family Rebate Program

This is a federal program to provide financial relief to individuals and families

Administration of the Program: Administered by the US Department of Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). No need to apply or submit a tax return to the IRS.

Click here for the program website

Eligibility: Full rebate for individuals whose income is less than $75,000 and for families with income less than $150,000. The rebate amount is phased out at higher income levels. The IRS will look at current or past tax returns or 1099 filings to determine rebate amount. If you have not filed a return in the past two years, you will need to file one in order to get the rebate. However, senior citizens who receive Social Security DO NOT need to file a return in order to get the rebate.

Amount of Rebate: $1,200 for individuals and $2,400 for families. There is an additional $500 per child claimed as a dependent. 

When to Expect a Rebate: The treasury department expects to begin processing rebates within the next three weeks.

How the rebate will come: The rebates will be direct deposited into bank accounts if that information is available. If not, then they will send a paper check (this could delay the rebate).

Additional Information: In addition to the IRS website above, there are a couple of helpful FAQ pages from other organizations. Additionally, the Congressional Research Service put out a detailed explanation of the rebates.

This is a federal program to provide financial relief to individuals and families.

Access Health CT -- New Special Enrollment Period

Access Health CT is the state’s health insurance exchange. In response to the spread of coronavirus, it has established a new special enrollment period for uninsured Connecticut residents to procure healthcare coverage. The period runs from March 19 through April 17th.

Administration of the Program: Access Health CT is the state’s marketplace for Affordable Care Act coverage. Plans are regulated by the Connecticut Insurance Department.

Click here for the website

Eligibility: Those who are uninsured, a resident of Connecticut, are not incarcerated, and have a legal status (i.e. have permission to live/work/study in the US).

When to Apply: The enrollment period has been extended. Eligible people can apply until April 17th

Where to Apply: , In-person , PHONE: 1-855-365-2428


Access Health CT is the state’s health insurance exchange. In response to the spread of coronavirus, it has established a new special enrollment period for uninsured Connecticut residents to procure healthcare coverage. The period runs through April 17th.

Emergency Paid Sick Leave & Emergency Family Medical Leave

Federal programs to provide paid time off to certain employees to deal with COVID-19 related issues.
Administration of the Program: Administered by the US Department of Labor.
Click here for the program website
Benefits Available:
  • For employees who are 1) quarantined or 2) experiencing COVID19 symptoms and seeking diagnosis: Up to two weeks of paid sick leave at 100% pay, capped at $511 per day, $5,110 total.
  • For employees 1) caring for quarantined person, 2) caring for a child whose school is closed, or 3) experiencing a condition similar to COVID19: Up to two weeks of paid sick leave at 2/3 pay, capped at $200 per day, $2,000 total.
  • For employees caring for a child whose school was closed: Up to 10 additional weeks of paid FMLA at 2/3 pay, capped at $200 per day, $12,000 total (2 weeks PSL plus 10 weeks FMLA).
  • Employees get partial or full pay for up to 2 weeks in addition to accrued Paid Time Off. Pay rates vary depending on reason for leave, but range from $200-511 per day for 10 days.
Eligibility: Employees of businesses with 500 or fewer employees that are unable to work or telework. US DOL has authority to exempt health care employers and employers with fewer than 50 employees, if these leave requirements would jeopardize the viability of the business.
Employer Reimbursement: Covered employers qualify for 100% reimbursement through tax credits for wages paid related to these programs. More information & resources for employers can be found here.
When to Apply: Employees should apply any time after April 1 as soon as a qualifying condition arises.
Where to Apply: Employees should contact their human resources office as they normally would for any other paid time off.
Federal programs to provide paid time off to certain employees to deal with COVID-19 related issues.

Husky A

Medicaid-funded healthcare for low income children, their parents or caregivers, and pregnant women.
Administration of the Program: State Department of Social Services
Click here for the website
Eligibility: Eligibility is based on income. Income thresholds vary based on the number of family members. For a family of two adults with two children, the income limit is $41,200. Income thresholds for pregnant women are higher. More info here.         
When to Apply: Anytime
Click here to apply
Amount of Assistance: Full medical coverage with no premiums, copays or deductibles at participating Medicaid providers. Get more info here.
Specific COVID-19 Measures:
  • Covers testing and treatment for the virus without any cost shares.
  • Extends medical coverage for those whose plans were scheduled to end in March or April to the end of June and July respectively.
  • Allows refills of non-maintenance and maintenance medications for up to 90 days (except for controlled substances)
Medicaid-funded healthcare for low income children, their parents or caregivers, and pregnant women.

Husky C

Medicaid-funded healthcare for the elderly (adults age 65 and older) and adults with disabilities, including long-term care at nursing facilities, or community and home care.
Administration of the Program: State Department of Social Services
Click here for the website
Eligibility: Eligibility is based on net income and varies based on which services an individual qualifies for and the geographic region they live in. There is also an asset limit to qualify for services.
When to Apply: Anytime  
Click here to apply
Amount of Assistance: Level of care depends on the program/waiver that a person is participating in, but generally the cost is fully paid for by Medicaid with no cost shares to the recipient.  Get more info.
Specific COVID-19 Measures:
  • Expands telehealth services
  • Covers testing and treatment for COVID-19
  • Allows refills of non-maintenance and maintenance medications for up to 90 days
Medicaid-funded healthcare for the elderly (adults age 65 and older) and adults with disabilities, including long-term care at nursing facilities, or community and home care.

Husky D

Medicaid funded healthcare for low income adults ages 19 to 64 without dependent children.
Administration of the Program: State Department of Social Services
Click here for the web site 
Eligibility: Eligibility is based on income. Income thresholds vary based on the number of family members but for a couple without children the income limit is $23,336. Get more information here
When to Apply: Anytime  
Click here to apply
Amount of Assistance: Full medical coverage with no premiums, copays or deductibles at participating Medicaid providers. More information here
Specific COVID-19 Measures:
  • Covers testing and treatment for the virus without any cost shares.
  • Extends medical coverage for those whose plans were scheduled to end in March or April to the end of June and July respectively.
  • Allows refills of non-maintenance and maintenance medications for up to 90 days (except for controlled substances)
Medicaid funded healthcare for low income adults ages 19 to 64 without dependent children.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program

The Heating Assistance Program provides energy assistance to low income home owners and renters for deliverable fuels.
Administration of the Program: State Department of Social Services
Click here for the website
Eligibility: The program has both income and asset limits to qualify. Click here for more info.
When to Apply: The deadline to apply for assistance for the current winter season is June 1, 2020
How to Apply:
  • Contact the Community Action Agency covering your town. To find your community action agency visit
  • Call 2-1-1 United Way can also direct constituents to the proper agency.
  • Text CTWARM to 898211
Amount of Assistance: Benefits vary based on the household income as well as family composition. For households with children, pregnant women or the elderly, standard benefit levels will be higher. Standard benefits can be up to $725 in heating assistance with additional assistance available for households that need it and have exhausted their standard benefits. Get more info here.
Specific COVID-19 Measures:
  • Extends the application period from May 1 to June 1, 2020.
  • Extends the fuel delivery authorization deadline from April 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021.
This Heating Assistance Program provides energy assistance to low income home owners and renters for deliverable fuels.

Federal, State, & Municipal Level Tax Breaks and Deadlines

Federal Level Tax Breaks and Deadlines
Personal Income Tax Deadline:
The deadline for filing and paying personal income tax to the IRS has been extended to July 15th.
Above-the-line Charitable Contribution Deduction:
This provision allows an individual to make a cash contribution of up to $300 made to certain qualifying charities and deduct the contribution "above-the-line" in computing AGI.
 Employer Payment of Employee Student Loans:
After March 27, 2020 and before January 1, 2021 and employer can pay $5,250 of the employee's student loans without the amounts being taxable to the employee.
Click here for more information

State Level Tax Breaks and Deadlines
Personal Income Tax Deadline:
The deadline for filing and paying personal income tax to the IRS has been extended to July 15th.
Suspension of tax on single-use checkout bags:
Executive Order No. 7N suspends the 10-cent fee on single-use checkout bags through May 15, 2020. If necessary, DRS will provide guidance to businesses for any accounting or other measures during this time.
Click here for more information
Waiver of Birth-to-Three Family Participation Fee:
Executive Order No. 7O waives the family cost participation fees for the Birth-to-Three program.
Click here for more information

Municipal Level Tax Breaks and Deadlines
Modification of Appeals Deadlines for Assessment and Taxation:
Executive Order No. 7I suspends the deadlines which appeals for the valuation, revaluation, and appeals related to land and buildings eligible for PILOT funds are due.
Click here for more information
 Local Tax and Utility Relief Programs:
Municipalities must participate in at least one of the following two programs. They are allowed to participate in both.
Deferment Program:
The deferment program allows municipalities to offer taxpayers, businesses, nonprofits, and residents deferment of their taxes by 90 days. The taxes that can be deferred are real property, personal property/motor vehicle, municipal water, sewer, and electric rates, etc. The program applies to taxes payable between March 10 and July 1, 2020.
Low Interest Rate Program:
If approved by the municipality, the interest rate for late payment of local taxes will be reduced from 18% to 3% for a 90-day period from the time the bill is payable. The program applies to taxes payable between March 10 and July 1, 2020.
Click here for more information 
Suspension of Re-Application of Elderly Circutbreaker Tax Relief Program an Elderly/Disabled Freeze Program:
Executive Order No. 7S suspends the re-application filing requirement for the Homeowners' Elderly/Disabled Circuit Breaker and Freeze Tax Relief programs.  Participants in the program will automatically maintain their benefits for the next biennial cycle ending in Grand List year 2021.
Click here for more information
Waiver of Penalties Related to Municipal Planning, Assessment, and Taxation:
Executive Order No. 7I waives penalties and extends deadlines for reports associated with the planning, assessment, and taxation of real property.
Click here for more information

Information for individual taxpayers.

Protection for Homeowners and Renters

Foreclosure Relief
  • All foreclosure sales previously scheduled to have occurred in April or May are delayed to Saturday, June 6, 2020, with no appointed Committee to begin working on the sale (i.e. place foreclosure signs on properties, etc.) prior to May 1, 2020.
  • Court dates for ANY foreclosure set in April or May are delayed and the first "law day" is now set for June 2, 2020. 
  • In addition, the federal government established a 60-day moratorium on evictions and foreclosures.
Click here for additional State of Connecticut Information 
Eviction Relief for Residential Renters
  • Moratorium on residential evictions through July 1st, except for serious nuisance.
  • Mandatory 60-day grace period for renters to pay rent for the month of April. No additional fees or interest may be charged as a result of this grace period.
  • 60-day grace period for renters to pay all or a portion of rent for the month of May as long as they notify the landlord that they have been harmed economically by COVID-19. No additional fees or interest may be charged as a result of this grace period.
  • Allow renters to use security deposit amounts that exceed the value of one month's rent to be applied to rent payments for April, May, June as long as they notify the landlord that they have been harmed economically by COVID-19. If renters use this provision, landlords may not require tenants to replenish security deposit money use until the declared emergencies are ended or a rental agreement needs to be renewed.  
Click here for additional information
Information on foreclosure relief and residential renter eviction relief.


Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)

Federal program to provide forgivable loans

Administration of the Program: Administered by the US Department of Treasury. Small businesses will submit applications to select banks. A second round of funding was approved in late April. 

Click here for the program website
With the passing of a second business relief package, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) will resume taking applications for business assistance under the Paycheck Protection Program and Economic Injury Disaster Loan programs Monday, April 27, at 10:30 a.m.

Visit the program web site here.

The new package includes:
  • An additional $320 billion for PPP with a greater focus on helping small businesses:
    • Minimum of $30 billion in PPP will be set aside for community development financial institutions, banks and credit unions with less than $10 billion in assets.
    • Another $30 billion in PPP at least will go to banks and credit unions with assets between $10 billion and $50 billion.
Businesses should contact their banks as soon as possible to check on previously submitted applications or to file a new application.
Click here for section-by-section details of the new legislation.

Where to Apply: Participating banks will accept and process applications.

Call your bank or use the SBA Lender Match tool.

You can also contact your Small Business Development Center or Women's Business Center.

Click here for the application

Federal program to provide forgivable loans small businesses and nonprofits.

Federal Changes to Unemployment Compensation

A new federal law temporarily expands eligibility for unemployment compensation, extends the period of time during which eligible individuals can receive unemployment, and provides additional unemployment benefits payments. These changes are in effect from April 1 to December 31, 2020, but retroactive to claims filed as early as January 27.
Administration of the Program: Administered by the Connecticut Department of Labor pursuant to guidance issued by the US Department of Labor.
Helpful information on the web:
State DOL question and answer guide
Federal Department of Labor
National Law Review
Expanded Benefits:
  • Provides an additional 13 weeks of UIC benefits which, when added to the 26 weeks CT already allows, provides for a total of 39 weeks of benefits.
  • Provides an additional $600 per week through July 31, 2020.
Expanded Eligibility:
  • Non-profit employees, self-employed, independent contractors, and gig economy workers now qualify for unemployment benefits.
  • Suspension of requirement to be actively looking for full-time employment
  • You can't go to work because your employer temporarily ceased operations due to COVID-19.
  • You can't go to work because you're quarantined with the expectation you'll return to work once the quarantine is over.
  • You quit due to a risk of exposure or infection or to care for a family member
NOT Eligible:
  • If your employer offers you telework and you can work from home.
  • If you are receiving other paid leave under federal paid sick leave and paid FMLA programs.
Employer Reimbursement: The temporary, expanded benefits are fully federally funded and not charged to the employer's UI account.
When to Apply: Employees should apply for UIC benefits as soon as they lose employment for any reason.
Click here to apply
If you are unemployed due to COVID-19 reasons, follow the instructions here
A new federal law temporarily expands eligibility for unemployment compensation, extends the period of time during which eligible individuals can receive unemployment, and provides additional unemployment benefits payments. These changes are in effect from April 1 to December 31, 2020, but retroactive to claims filed as early as January 27.

Emergency Paid Sick Leave & Emergency Family Medical Leave

Federal programs to provide paid time off to certain employees to deal with COVID-19 related issues.
Administration of the Program: Administered by the US Department of Labor.
Click here for the program website
Benefits Available:
  • For employees who are 1) quarantined or 2) experiencing COVID19 symptoms and seeking diagnosis: Up to two weeks of paid sick leave at 100% pay, capped at $511 per day, $5,110 total.
  • For employees 1) caring for quarantined person, 2) caring for a child whose school is closed, or 3) experiencing a condition similar to COVID19: Up to two weeks of paid sick leave at 2/3 pay, capped at $200 per day, $2,000 total.
  • For employees caring for a child whose school was closed: Up to 10 additional weeks of paid FMLA at 2/3 pay, capped at $200 per day, $12,000 total (2 weeks PSL plus 10 weeks FMLA).
  • Employees get partial or full pay for up to 2 weeks in addition to accrued Paid Time Off. Pay rates vary depending on reason for leave, but range from $200-511 per day for 10 days.
Eligibility: Employees of businesses with 500 or fewer employees that are unable to work or telework. US DOL has authority to exempt health care employers and employers with fewer than 50 employees, if these leave requirements would jeopardize the viability of the business.
Employer Reimbursement: Covered employers qualify for 100% reimbursement through tax credits for wages paid related to these programs. More information & resources for employers can be found here.
When to Apply: Employees should apply any time after April 1 as soon as a qualifying condition arises.
Where to Apply: Employees should contact their human resources office as they normally would for any other paid time off.
Federal programs to provide paid time off to certain employees to deal with COVID-19 related issues.

Shared Work Program: CT DOL

This program helps employers to avoid layoffs by allowing them to temporarily reduce employee hours and supplement the employee's lost wages with the help of partial unemployment benefits.
Administration of the Program: Connecticut Department of Labor.
Click here for the program
Eligibility: All employers with two or more employees can participate and reduce employee hours between 10-60%. This program can only be used to avoid layoffs and cannot be used for seasonal separations.
How to Apply: You can get application here, and it should be emailed to
Get more information here
This program helps employers to avoid layoffs by allowing them to temporarily reduce employee hours and supplement the employee's lost wages with the help of partial unemployment benefits.

Small Business Debt Relief Program

Federal program to provide debt relief to small businesses with non-disaster SBA loans including 7(a), 504, and microloans
Administration of the Program: Federal Small Business Administration however business will need to contact their lender
Click here for the program website
Total Funding Available: $17Billion
Eligibility: Small businesses with 500 or fewer employees. This includes for-profit, not-for-profit entities.  Entities that apply for this type of debt relief may still apply for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL).
Amount of Assistance for Each Business: The SBA will automatically cover all loan payments on qualifying loans, including principal, interest and fees, for six months. This relief will also be available to new borrowers who take out qualifying loans between now and September 27th.
Federal program to provide debt relief to small businesses with non-disaster SBA loans including 7(a), 504, and microloans.

Economic Injury Disaster Loans and Emergency Economic Injury Grants Program

Federal program to provide loans and/or cash advance that may be forgiven if used to keep employees on payroll, to pay for sick leave, meet increased production costs due to supply chain disruptions, or pay business obligations, including debts, rent and mortgage payments. 
Administration of the Program: Federal Small Business Administration.
Click here for the program website
Total Funding Available: More funding added April 24th.
Eligibility: Small businesses with 500 or fewer employees. This includes for-profit, tribal, and not-for-profit entities of any size.  The entity cannot be municipal, state, or federal elected official or entity. 
When to Apply: SBA is using the new round of funding to process already-submitted applications. 
For information: For Customer Service, applicants can contact 1-800-659-2955 or (TTY: 1-800-877-8339) or email
Amount of Assistance for Each Business: Loan amounts are up to $2M for a term of 30 years.  Interest rates will range from 2.75%-3.75% depending on the applicant.  The first month’s payments are deferred a full year from the date of the promissory note.  The grant/cash advance may be up to $10,000.
Federal program to provide loans and/or cash advance that may be forgiven if used to keep employees on payroll, to pay for sick leave, meet increased production costs due to supply chain disruptions, or pay business obligations, including debts, rent and mortgage payments. 

Federal & State Level Tax Breaks and Deadlines

Federal Level Tax Breaks and Deadlines
Modification of Net Operating Loss:
This allows for carrybacks for up to five years for net operating losses recorded in tax years 2018, 2019, and 2020. It also lifts the income limitation applicable to the corporate income tax.
Click here for additional information
Modification of limitation on Business Interest:
The CARES Act increases the limit on interest deductions from 30% to 50% for 2019 and 2020.
Click here for additional information
 Modification of Limitation on Losses for Taxpayers other than Corporations:
The act suspends the limit on deductions for excess business losses for 2018-2020 for businesses other than corporations.
Modification of Credit for prior year minimum tax liability of corporations:
This provision allows corporations that had Alternative Minimum Tax Credits, which were repealed in 2017, to claim the credits in tax years 2018 and 2019 through tax year 2021.
Temporary Excise Tax Exception:
This provision exempts distilled spirits used to make hand sanitizer for 2020 from the excise tax.

State Level Tax Breaks and Deadlines
Extension of Corporate Income Tax Payments:
The Department of Revenue Services extended the deadlines to file certain annual business tax returns. These returns include: Pass-Through Entity Tax return, Unrelated Business Income tax return, and Corporation Business Income tax return.
Click here for additional information
 Off-Track betting operations:
Executive Order No. 7S modifies the schedule that licensed off-track betting facilities  pay taxes on their operations. The order modifies from a daily to a weekly payment schedule of these taxes.
Click here for additional information
Extension of deadline to file income and expense reports:
Executive Order 7S extends the deadline for reporting income and expense reports related to rental properties to August 15, 2020.
Click here for additional information
Information for Connecticut businesses.

SBA Express Loan Program

Federal program to provide loans; also referred to as the 7(a) loans
Administration of the Program: Administered by the Small Business Administration in collaboration with SBA Express Lenders.
Click here for the website
Total Funding Available: $10 Billion
Eligibility: The lender determines the eligibility within 36 hours of receiving the application.  SBA's basic loan eligibility includes meeting size standards, being a for-profit entity, located within the US, the owner has invested equity in the entity, and have exhausted other financing options
When to Apply: Express Lenders are currently accepting applications
Where to Apply: Applicants should reach out to SBA Local Assistance and contact their banks to find out if their bank is an Express Lender 
Amount of Assistance for Each Business: Due to COVID-19, SBA has increased the maximum allowable loan from $350,000 to $1M through December 31, 2020.  After that date, the maximum loan amount will revert to $350,000.  The CARES Act permanently waived the fee for veteran owned businesses.  Interest rates are set by the lender and are negotiable.  The SBA may cover the principle, interest, and fees for this type of loan if the entity is eligible for the Debt Relief Program.  
Federal program to provide loans; also referred to as the 7(a) loans

Connecticut Artists Relief Grant Program

Connecticut program to offer grants for artists or teaching artists who practice in the state whose income has been disrupted by COVID-19.
Administration of the Program: Connecticut Office of the Arts with funding support from the New England Foundation for the Arts
Click here for the web site
Total Funding Available: $60,000 to fund 120 total grants available
Eligibility: An individual artist or teaching artist working in any artistic discipline AND meets all the following requirements:
  • Have lost income directly related to COVID-19.
  • Have reported taxable income related to earnings from work as an individual artist or teaching artist in your most recently filed tax return, and the taxable income represented more than 25% of total income from all income sources (25% calculated as gross earnings before expenses).
  • Be 18 years of age or older.
  • Be a resident of Connecticut for a minimum of one year prior to application deadline (May 1, 2020) and be a full-time resident at the time the award is granted.
The definition of an artist includes, but is not limited to, an individual who practices an art form such as a musician, theater performer, photographer, puppeteer, craft artist, painter, poet, author, vocalist, folk and traditional artist, dancer, etc.  
When to Apply:  The application process is open now through May 4th at 11:59pm
Where to Apply: Applications will only be accepted online through:  Application.  It is highly recommended that applicants preview the application questions through: Relief Fund for Connecticut Artists Preview Application
Amount of Assistance for Each Business: qualifying artists will be eligible for a $500 grant which can be used for any type of relief.  Only 120 qualified applicants will be selected at random and will be notified between May 18, 2020 - May 25, 2020.
Connecticut program to offer grants for artists or teaching artists who practice in the state whose income has been disrupted by COVID-19.

Help for Landlords

Tax Relief for Landlords
Landlords are eligible for the municipal property tax Deferment Program or the Low Interest Rate Program if they can show that there was significant rental income loss as a result of COVID-19 or if the landlord granted forbearance to his or her tenant. 
Click here for more information (see News & Updates)
Foreclosure Relief
  • All foreclosure sales previously scheduled to have occurred in April or May are delayed to Saturday, June 6, 2020, with no appointed Committee to begin working on the sale (i.e. place foreclosure signs on properties, etc.) prior to May 1, 2020.
  • Court dates for ANY foreclosure set in April or May are delayed and the first "law day" is now set for June 2, 2020. 
  • In addition, the federal government established a 60-day moratorium on evictions and foreclosures.
Click here for more State of Connecticut Information
Information on tax relief and foreclosure relief.