Lyme Disease Awareness Month

Posted on May 24, 2024


With warmer weather already here, don’t forget to watch out for ticks!

Lyme Disease is commonly transmitted by tick bites. As we spend more time outdoors during warmer weather, please be vigilant and remember to check children and pets as well.

Visit for more information.

VIDEO: Carpino Supports Police and Defends Public Hearings

Posted on April 30, 2024


Last night, I strongly supported an amendment to House Bill 5500 that would have restored the ability for law enforcement to conduct vehicle consent searches if they have reasonable suspicion of drugs, weapons, or criminal evidence. When we can smell marijuana on our commutes every day, something needs to be done to keep our communities and drivers safe.
Those who stood in opposition of this and two other public safety amendments, claimed it was due to a lack of a public input, however, I’ve

Capitol Visitors: Adelbrook Behavioral & Developmental Services

Posted on April 29, 2024


Today, I was happy to meet two of our students from Cromwell’s Ädelbrook Behavioral & Developmental Services at the Capitol today and talk about the favorite part of their jobs. Adelbrook is a local non-profit dedicated to meeting the needs of youth and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other behavioral and developmental challenges.

I look forward to continuing my advocacy for additional state resources to help support our local nonprofits.