
HARTFORD — House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora on Wednesday issued the following statement in response to House Speaker Matt Ritter’s comments about a public hearing on workers affected by employer-issued vaccine mandates:

“This is what Democrats do — provoke, attack, and silence people who have different views than they do. Speaker Ritter’s hyperbolic statement about today’s hearing conducted in a nearly-empty building is not only predictable, it’s inaccurate given the guidance legislators received from Capitol Police today. This manufactured controversy is the latest evidence of his party’s desire to conduct as much business as possible outside the public eye. Make no mistake, Democrats want to keep the Capitol closed and continue the charade that virtual government is serving residents well. It’s a shame the Speaker’s caucus, which has largely abdicated its responsibilities to the Governor, is spending its time on the pettiest of political attacks rather than tackling critical issues such as the crime wave that’s engulfed our cities and towns.”