
In a move to support the state’s business community during the COVID-19 outbreak, the state’s Department of Revenue Services (DRS) has announced an automatic extension of Connecticut filing deadlines for certain annual tax returns. The extension is effective immediately. See information from DRS:

Effective immediately, the filing deadlines for certain annual tax returns due on or after March 15, 2020, and before June 1, 2020, are extended by at least 30 days. In addition, the payments associated with these returns are also extended to the corresponding due date in June.

The impacted returns and the associated filing dates and payment deadlines are set forth below:

2019 Form CT-1065/CT-1120 SI Connecticut Pass-Though Entity Tax Return:
Filing date extended to April 15, 2020; payment deadline extended to June 15, 2020

2019 Form CT-990T Connecticut Unrelated Business Income Tax Return:
Filing date extended to June 15, 2020; payment deadline extended to June 15, 2020

2019 Form CT-1120 and CT-1120CU Connecticut Corporation Business Return:
Filing date extended to June 15, 2020; payment deadline extended to June 15, 2020

Individuals in the process of preparing their Connecticut income tax (Form CT-1040) returns due April 15, should be advised that DRS will adjust due dates for filing and payment of state income taxes to align with any specific, actionable announcement from the Internal Revenue Service regarding due dates for the filing and payment of federal income taxes. Taxpayers are encouraged to visit the DRS website for updates.

Those who need to contact DRS regarding their specific situation may e-mail DRS@po.state.ct.us or call 860-297-5962 (from anywhere); 800-382-9463 (within CT, outside Greater Hartford area only); or 860-297-4911 (Hearing Impaired, TDD/TT users only).

Read the full DRS announcement here.