(HARTFORD) — On Thursday, State Representative Joe Zullo (R-99) supported and co-sponsored House Bill 6901 An Act Concerning a Student Loan Reimbursement Program which supports those in the trades and other professionals to get out from under the crushing pressure of student loans. Specifically, loan reimbursement support programs would target in-state nurses, teachers, mental and behavioral healthcare workers, and certain skilled labor fields.


“Student loan debt is CRIPPLING,” said Zullo in his opening. “I have friends who can’t afford homes and child care because of student loans. This bill is a great step toward helping more millennials and young people to acquire homes and gives them a real shot at upward mobility and building wealth!”

Zullo added, “This is one of the most meaningful pieces of legislation to help our constituents, especially as student loans present one of the biggest financial burdens for our younger generations. We will not be able to move this state forward if we don’t start to focus on making the lives of our state’s students and employees more affordable today.”

For more information about this, or any state issue, please never hesitate to contact me at Joe.Zullo@housegop.ct.gov or at 860-240-8700 with your questions, ideas, and concerns.