Southington Delegation Presents Legislative Citation to Camp Sloper

Posted on July 22, 2024

On Friday, I joined the Southington delegation to present a legislative citation to YMCA Camp Sloper Outdoor Center in recognition of their 75th anniversary as a youth camp.

A true asset, generously bestowed to the Southington Community by Cornelia Sloper Neal in 1949, Camp Sloper has grown from hosting 50 campers to 4,500 each year. On behalf of the entire Southington delegation, it was a honor to present them with this citation for the positive impact they’ve had on the lives of countless youth,

Rep. Veach Receives 100% Score for Supporting Pro-Business Initiatives

Posted on July 18, 2024

The Connecticut Business & Industry Association (CBIA), the states leading business organization has recently released their annual ‘State House Voting Records’ for this year and I’m proud to have received a 100% score for my support of our business community. Each year, CBIA chooses various pieces of legislation addressed during that session based on their potential impact (both positive and negative) on job growth and the state’s economic outlook and rates lawmakers (higher or lower) based on either

Wrong Way Detection Installations in the Greater Hartford Area

Posted on June 25, 2024

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is announcing the start of wrong way detection installations at 42 high-risk off-ramps in the greater Hartford area.

This may include radar, video, and/or thermal cameras that will be deployed along off-ramps as the primary detection for wrong-way vehicles. The detection will then activate flashing red circular lights located on the wrong-way signs alerting drivers that they are traveling in the wrong direction and need to take corrective action.

Berlin Receives Grant for Property Remediation and Future Development

Posted on June 14, 2024

Berlin has been awarded a $360,000 grant through the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development’s Brownfield Remediation and Development Program. These funds will be used to complete the remediation of 55 Steele Boulevard and enable construction of approximately 50 mixed-income residential units near the Berlin Train Station.

Reps Veach, Mastrofrancesco, and Senator Sampson to Host Post-Session Update

Posted on June 11, 2024

HARTFORD – State Representatives Donna Veach (R-30), Gale Mastrofrancesco (R-80) and State Senator Rob Sampson (R-16) are inviting area residents to join them for a post-session update to discuss various items related to the 2024 legislative session.

WHEN: Thursday, June 20
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

WHERE: John Weichsel Municipal Center
196 N. Main St., Southington

If you have any questions about state government, are dealing with an issue you need assistance with, or want to discuss bills addressed

House Republican Initiative to Establish a Fallen Officer Fund, Signed Into Law

Posted on May 21, 2024

As the wife of a police officer, one of the most important pieces of legislation we addressed this session was a House Republican initiative which establishes a special fund to provide support to the families of a law enforcement officer tragically killed in the line of duty.

Signed into law this week, Public Act 24-27 creates a Fallen Officers Fund to provide financial assistance to the surviving family along with any other benefits for which the officer is eligible.

This legislation is one small

DOT to Replace and Upgrade All Existing Pedestrian and School Crossing Signs at Uncontrolled Intersections

Posted on May 14, 2024

The Department of Transportation is developing plans to replace and upgrade all existing pedestrian and school crossing signs at uncontrolled intersections in Berlin and Southington.

According to DOT, many of the pedestrian and school crossing signs are close to the end of their usable life. Replacing these signs with new, more retroreflective signs is critical for visibility and safety of pedestrians on State Roadways. The project is scheduled to begin construction in the Spring of 2025.



Posted on May 6, 2024

In recognition of National Nurses Week, I took a moment this morning to recognize my three daughters, Heather, Callie, and Audra on the Floor of the House and thank them, along with all the other nurses, for their commitment and dedication to helping others.


Republicans Offer Amendments to Increase Safety on Our Roadways

Posted on May 1, 2024

Due to the increase in wrong way driving incidents and traffic fatalities, we have a legislative responsibility to our residents to take action and increase safety along our roadways.
Current Connecticut law does not permit a law enforcement officer from pulling over a vehicle where a driver is seen smoking marijuana or if the induvial is smoking marijuana with children in the car.
Earlier this week, my Republican colleagues offered two amendments to address the increase in wrong way driving

House Republicans Offer Plan to Balance FY25 Budget

Posted on April 25, 2024

Currently, majority members of the Appropriations Committee have chosen not to make any adjustments to the biennium budget. If no action is taken, the governor would have the discretionary authority to make cuts or funding increases outside of the legislative session.

Inaction by the committee is unacceptable, and in lieu of doing nothing and/or leaving it up to the governor, my House Republican colleagues put forth our proposal aimed at honoring the fiscal guardrails, pursuing structural reforms,