Southbury GOP State Lawmakers Unveil No Tax Hike Budget

Posted on April 27, 2017


Protects Core Services, Boosts Education Aid, Creates Stability for Towns & Cities and Does Not Rely on Tax Increases

Area Republican state lawmakers on Apr. 27 unveiled an alternative state budget which closes the current projected state deficit over the next two years without new taxes and without pushing state expenses onto towns, cities or hospitals.

The “Confident Connecticut” budget includes increased education funding with a new funding formula, restores money for core social services, and provides for significant structural changes to state government that roll out into the future.

“With this proposal, we demonstrate that Connecticut’s budget can be balanced with no tax increases whatsoever,” said Rep. David Labriola (R-131). “Instead we offer common sense solutions to our state’s budget woes.”

“Connecticut is adrift and raising taxes on an already overtaxed state is not sustainable,” said Rep. Arthur O’Neill said. “While it may close a deficit for this biennium, tax receipts will continue to decline in the future. Why? People are leaving Connecticut in droves. If we continue to tax residents at unprecedented levels, they will search for more affordable places to live, and our tax revenues will continue to decline in the process. The only practical, long-term solution to this fiscal crisis is a balanced budget with realistic revenue expectations, meaningful structural changes and sensible spending reductions. This budget is the product of months of careful review.”

Sen. Eric Berthel said,  “With this no tax hike budget, Republicans are leading the way forward. We are listening to taxpayers who are fed up with the heavier and heavier burdens they are carrying.  Our plan steers Connecticut away from its current path of tax hike after tax hike.  We make common sense structural spending changes.  We enact a spending cap.  We require votes on union contracts. We lower taxes for Connecticut retirees, and we help seniors age in place.  We increase education funding and preserve core government services for our most vulnerable residents.  Republicans are leading by example.  Republicans are confident that we can get Connecticut out of the financial mess our state is in, and we look forward to working with Democrats and the governor to get this passed into law.”

Click here for a budget summary.