Rep. Labriola assists Marshals in donating to Naugatuck food bank

Posted on September 28, 2012


Today Rep. Labriola had the honor of presenting a $500 donation to the Naugatuck Ecumenical Food Bank on behalf of the New Haven County Marshals Association. Rep. Labriola is one of several state lawmakers selected this year by the Marshals to present thousands of dollars in charitable contributions to well deserving area organizations. Rep. Labriola chose Naugatuck’s Ecumenical Food Bank based on the valuable service they provide to local families in need. The food bank serves nearly 7,000 people around 60,000 meals every year, and is staffed completely by unpaid volunteers. Rep. Labriola presented the check to Ecumenical Chairman Marty Fenton and Vice Chairman Gerhard Roland, who expressed their appreciation for the generous contribution.