
As a member of the Women’s Business Development Council’s Women-Owned Business Day Host Committee, I was honored to join Reps. Cheeseman, Porter and Farrar today for a panel discussion and Q &A session as part of the 10th annual Women-Owned Business Day events at the Capitol.

Our discussion focused on the topic: 2024 Legislative Session: What’s at Stake for Your Business and How to Voice Your Opinion.  We covered multiple points, including paid sick leave, child care for business owners, healthcare licensing, licensing reciprocation, tax benefits and grant programs during the nearly hour-long session.

It is always great to see and support women entrepreneurs, business owners and advocates, and I appreciate everyone who took the time to come to Hartford or sent a message in support of the policies that help women-owned businesses thrive in our state.

Here are a few key stats from the Women’s Business Development Council:

  • Founded in 1997, WBDC has educated and trained more than 18,800 clients in all of Connecticut’s 169 towns—helping women to launch, sustain and scale over 14,000 businesses, create and maintain over 31,400 jobs in Connecticut, and access more than $57 million in capital.
  • In 2023, WBDC served nearly 3,000 clients at all stages of entrepreneurship, a 30% increase in client volume compared to 2022. 47% of WBDC clients in 2023 are of racial or ethnic minority and 43% live in an economically distressed community, as defined by DECD.
  • In 2023, WBDC clients launched 58 new businesses and created 565 jobs in Connecticut.
  • In 2020, WBDC launched two groundbreaking initiatives and continues to build those initiatives and expand their impact on Connecticut’s small businesses and the state’s economy:
    • WBDC Child Care Business Support Program: Sustaining our childcare service providers through mentorship, business development, grants and technology incentives. 62% of the child care grants were awarded to minorities. 73% of the recipients report increased revenues; 68% report increased profits.

WBDC Small Business Grant Opportunities (includes Ignite, formerly Equity Match Grant , Launch Pad, and municipality-specific grant programs in New London, Torrington & Waterbury): Providing women entrepreneurs with capital to help them grow their businesses, create jobs, and contribute to the state’s economy. 72% of Ignite recipients report increased revenues.