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STOP the Proposed BAN on Gas-Powered Vehicles

Posted on November 16, 2023

Today, I joined House Republican Leader Vincent Candelora and my colleagues to urge the governor and majority-party Democrats to “pump the brakes” on their plan to align CT law with policies decided thousands of miles away in California.
Under the guise of cleaner air, their latest plan will BAN the sale of new gas powered cars and trucks in Connecticut by 2035. Democrats want to strip your ability to choose and force us to abide by laws created and passed on the other side of the country.

Your chance to stop the ban on the sale of new gas-powered passenger vehicles is now!
The legislature’s Regulations Review Committee, of which I am a member, will be taking up this issue on November 28th. I encourage you to contact Democrats who serve on the Regulation Review Committee and urge them to disapprove these emission standards, sending the topic to the full legislature for deliberation and a vote.
The email addresses for each committee member can be found at: https://www.cga.ct.gov/rr/
Take a brief survey and make your voice known: https://www.cthousegop.com/klarides-ditria/2537-2/