
Rep. Klarides-Ditria & Rep. David Michel to prioritize bill banning sale or trade of ivory 

Representative Nicole Klarides-Ditria (R – Co-Chair Animal Advocacy Caucus), Representative David Michel (D – Co-Chair Animal Advocacy Caucus), and other members of the Animal Advocacy Caucus will introduce and advocate for a bill to ban the trade of ivory sourced from elephants and other wildlife following the results of a disturbing undercover investigation in the state.

The Humane Society of the United States uncovered that ivory from elephants, that may have been recently poached, was found for sale across the state without the documentation required under federal law. Investigators found more than 160 items suspected to be carved from ivory for sale at 19 stores in Connecticut.

You can learn more about the investigation by clicking here.

“Connecticut must act to align state law with federal law to ensure that our state is not a safe haven for the illegal ivory trade and other wildlife trafficking. This despicable activity is causing the unnecessary and inhumane death of magnificent creatures in the wild,” said Rep. David Michel. “I commend the Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International for its work to uncover this issue in our neighborhoods. It is now up to lawmakers to take action to protect these animals, consumers, and vendors.”

“I am disgusted by anyone who willfully injures an animal, and those who traffic ivory must be held accountable for their despicable actions. As legislators, we have the power to strengthen state laws to make the protection of ALL animals more effective, said Rep. Klarides-Ditria. “I applaud the Humane Society for shining a light on these disgusting practices and look forward to working with my colleagues to craft stronger laws to assist in the prosecution and lengthy convictions of anyone who harms an animal.”

Unfortunately, due to illness Rep. Klarides-Ditria was unable to attend a press conference on the issue, however State Rep. Kathy Kennedy delivered remarks on her behalf.