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State Rep. Cheeseman: New Low-Income Discount Rate for Electric Customers Apply by Nov. 1st

Posted on September 22, 2023


Beginning on December 1, 2023, a new electric bill discount will be available to you if you have a financial hardship status on your electric account. Based on your household income or receipt of a public assistance benefit, you may be eligible for a 10% or 50% discount on your electric bill per month. For example, if you have a $100 monthly bill, it would be $10 less if you receive a 10% discount or $50 less if you receive the 50% discount.

Your discount will depend on your annual household income for all adults over 18 or receipt of a public assistance benefit for at least one household member. We encourage
you to see if you qualify for the 50% discount.

Go to the EVERSOURCE website for more information.