
Saybrook Point Trail and Education Project has been awarded a $366,640 grant through the Connecticut Recreational Trails Grant Program.

This project, located at Saybrook Point, will consist of completing the last piece of the riverfront walkway, creating a new park trail, and adding a scenic overlook and educational signage.

These improvements will provide expanded recreational and handicap access, connectivity between recreational areas, improved coastal access, lighting, and safety.

The project area for the riverfront walkway includes a 525-foot long, 6-foot wide, multi-use, handicap accessible section connecting the existing walkway on town property to the public access walkway through Saybrook Point Resort & Marina, and on to the state-owned causeway on Route 154. A new 610-foot long, 5-foot wide, multi-use, handicap accessible park trail will be added leading from Fort Saybrook Monument Park and the remains of the Connecticut Valley Railroad Turnaround sites to Gardiner’s Landing Park and the new scenic overlook.

In total, 1,135 feet of new trail will be added in this area when the length of the new park trail is connected to the new riverfront walkway.