Rep. Labriola Applauds ‘Common Sense’ Proposal to Reduce Spending and Shrink Government

Posted on January 25, 2011


Representative Dave Labriola (R-131) joined House and Senate Republicans today and announced his support for the 2011 Republican legislative budget proposals.

The Republican legislative agenda outlined today includes massive state government reorganization and other across-the-board spending cuts to save Connecticut taxpayers billions over the next two years.

“For the past several years we have offered alternative budget proposals, including proposals that demonstrate how we can use common sense

Rep. Labriola to Host Business Breakfast

Posted on January 18, 2011


HARTFORD – Representatives Rosa Rebimbas (R-70) and Dave Labriola (R-131) announced today they have rescheduled their 2011 Businessmen’s Breakfast for February 1st.

The Breakfast, originally scheduled to take place last Wednesday but cancelled due to record-breaking snowfall across the state, has been rescheduled for February 1st from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at The Continental Room located at 33 Osborn Road in Naugatuck.

With the same format as before, local business leaders are welcome to discuss