
WATERBURY – As part of the observance of Memorial Day, Rep. Lezlye Zupkus, R-Prospect, provided remarks during a ceremony at Kaynor Technical High School that honored the country’s military members who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our nation.

The students and staff organized a touching tribute that honored the country’s veterans and recognized the current students from Kaynor Technical High School who have enlisted.

The names and pictures of military members from Kaynor Technical who died while serving overseas were displayed, as the students shared a bit about the member’s personal story.

Rep. Zupkus also provided remarks and thanked all members for their service during the well-attended event.

Rep. Zupkus is available to answer your questions and or discuss your concerns about issues related to state government. You can email her at Lezlye.Zupkus@housegop.ct.gov, or by calling her office at 860-240-8700. You can also visit www.RepZupkus.com and www.facebook.com/RepZupkus to follow her legislative activity.