
HARTFORD – State Representative Lezlye Zupkus (R-89th), the ranking House member on the Education Committee, issued the following statement in response to a press conference Monday where majority Democrats unveiled several of their education goals for Connecticut.

“It’s encouraging to hear the majority put a renewed focus on special education, raising our reading scores, and accountability – those are issues that should be worked on every session,” Rep. Zupkus said. “I hope that as our conversations on the Education Committee progress this session, that those talks don’t lead to legislation that punishes high-performing districts by reducing their funding, or add layers of regulations that undermine the good work they are

She continued: “And we need transparency to ensure that tax dollars are being spent in an appropriate way that benefits those who matter most – the students. That’s why, last session, Republicans fought to budget more money to ease the burden on local special education programs—while our majority party colleagues chose to funnel millions of ARPA dollars into an already bloated higher education system. This issue deserves action, and we’re ready to contribute to the development of reforms that balance the needs of students and the concerns of our property taxpayers.”

As the session progresses, I want you to know that I’m available to answer your questions and you can share your concerns about issues related to state government by emailing me at Lezlye.Zupkus@housegop.ct.gov, or by calling my office at 860-240-8700. You can also visit www.RepZupkus.com and www.facebook.com/RepZupkus to follow my legislative activity.