On Monday, I received my 2025 Legislative Committee Assignments which are groups that are tasked with proposing and voting on bill proposals associated with various political categories. This session, which begins on January 8th, I am honored to be serving on the following committees:

  • Planning & Development Committee, Ranking Member:  The committee has cognizance of all matters relating to the Department of Transportation, including highways and bridges, navigation, aeronautics, mass transit and railroads; and to the State Traffic Commission and the Department of Motor Vehicles.
  • Housing Committee: The committee has cognizance of all matters relating to housing and housing programs.
  • Finance, Revenue, & Bonding Committee: The Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee has jurisdiction over all matters relating to finance, revenue, capital bonding, fees and taxation. The committee also has cognizance over employer contributions for unemployment compensation and all matters relating to the Department of Revenue Services and the revenue aspects of the Division of Special Revenue.

For more information about these committees, please visit: www.cga.ct.gov