Motor Vehicle Theft Crisis

Posted on March 29, 2021


Dear Friends and Neighbors,

The increase in juvenile car theft and burglary has become a dangerous threat to public safety and impacted residents’ quality of life. Increasingly over the past year, coordinated groups have burglarized or stolen dozens of cars setting up potentially dangerous confrontations between property owners and juveniles. There have been instances where car thieves have been armed and in at least one case a car was stolen from a garage while young children were playing outside.

I have offered legislation dealing with this problem, and some portions are included in the Judiciary Committee bill HB 6669. In addition, early this session House Republicans submitted legislation to impose actual consequences for teenagers (15-18) who are repeatedly charged with stealing or attempting to steal a vehicle. Our proposal includes:

  • Facing charges on the regular criminal docket;
  • Expanded ability for judges to order detainment or GPS monitoring;
  • Categorize as “serious juvenile repeat offender” upon second theft conviction;
  • Require DCF intervention to provide services to offender;
  • Modify state pursuit policy, allow police to intercept thieves as the crime occurs

There is a Judiciary Committee public hearing Wednesday where you can share your thoughts about the motor vehicle theft crisis. Please consider testifying via Zoom, via phone or by email. It is important for the Committee to hear your thoughts on this bill or others related to juvenile car theft.

Register to Testify Virtually 

Deadline to register: Tuesday March 30 @ 3 p.m.


Email written testimony to and state your name and bills (H.B. 6667 & 6669.) Copy me:


Call the Phone Registrant Line at (860) 240-5255 to leave your contact information.

Watch the Hearing on YouTube