Vail Takes Oath of Office, 2025 Session Begins
Posted on January 10, 2025

HARTFORD – State Rep. Kurt Vail (R-52) was sworn-in to a new term on Wednesday morning. The 2025 Legislative Session will run for a five-month law-making period. This is Vail’s sixth term representing the 52nd District: Somers, Stafford, Union, and Woodstock.
“It was a humbling experience to be sworn-in to a new term. I look forward to addressing many of the challenges facing our state, including skyrocketing energy costs,” said Vail. “Throughout the campaign, I heard many folks talk to me about basic affordability. There are common sense solutions we can provide to residents to drive down the overall cost of living.”
Vail is a staunch proponent of maintaining the state’s fiscal guardrails, which have helped keep Connecticut’s financial picture in good shape while paying down debt obligations.
You can check out more issues that the legislature is set to address this year by reviewing the nonpartisan office of Legislative Research and Fiscal Analysis “Major Issues Report.” Click here to access the full report.