“State Funding for Watertown!” Rep. Polletta Announces Grant Supporting the Steele Brook Greenway
Posted on June 3, 2024
WATERTOWN – On Monday, State Representative Joe Polletta (R-Watertown) celebrated the announcement of a state bonding grant, totaling $241,132, awarded to Watertown to benefit the Steele Brook Greenway.
“I am so thrilled to announce this funding injection which will support one of Watertown’s greatest assets for families and residents. The Steele Brook Greenway is essential for driving economic development in our town with its walkability and natural beauty. It offers a safe outdoor experience that families can enjoy and with these improvements, it will remain a staple in Watertown,” Rep. Polletta said. “I want to thank Governor Lamont and his team for their consideration of this project and for their continued support of Watertown, Oakville, and Waterbury.”
The state funding is part of a larger agenda which includes similar projects across Connecticut affecting economic development, public safety, transportation and more.
The State Bond Commission is expected to vote in confirmation of the agenda in a meeting on Friday, June 7th at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford.
Rep. Polletta represents the 68th Assembly District consisting of Watertown, Oakville, and Waterbury.