
WATERTOWN – Watertown lawmakers State Sen. Eric Berthel and State Rep. Joe Polletta, today applauded the State Bond Commission’s approval of $789,000 grant-in-aid funding to the Oakville Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7730 for parking lot improvements.

“Thank you to the legislature for authorizing this funding, and to the Bond Commission and Governor Lamont for their approval. The original bonding request for this project began nearly 20 years ago. These funds will be leveraged to enhance the safety and accessibility of the Oakville VFW’s parking lot for the benefit of our Veterans, their guests, and the community.

“The new lot will also provide much needed overflow capacity for the Swift Middle School. This investment sends the right message to our Veterans, especially on the heels of the 80th anniversary of D-Day. After serving their nation, Veterans in our community come back to serve their neighbors and those in need, and VFWs provide a place for them to do this good work. Thank you to every Veteran for their service to our armed forces,” they said.

The state funding is part of a larger agenda which includes similar projects across Connecticut affecting economic development, public safety, transportation, and more.

Following the bond commission’s approval today, the funds can now be allocated.
