Litchfield Delegation Applauds $800,000 Community Connectivity Grant
Posted on July 17, 2024
Litchfield – State Reps. Karen Reddington-Hughes (R-66), John Piscopo (R-67) and State Sen. Stephen Harding (R-30) applauded the allocation of $800,000 in grant funding to the Town of Litchfield to implement its Sidewalk Enrichment Plan. The funding was announced on Tuesday by Gov. Lamont as part of the Community Connectivity Grant Program (CCGP). This round’s grant allocations totaled $12 million and were dispersed over 17 communities, including Litchfield.
“Mobility and safe access to walkways for pedestrians who depend on the use of a wheelchair, cane, or walking device, is a basic human right. We applaud the efforts of the governor and his team who have helped provide resources to complete local plans in Litchfield to improve sidewalks and add necessary upgrades to make them ADA compliant,” the lawmakers said in a joint statement.
Additionally, the Litchfield Delegation warned that there has been a major uptick in reported incidences of pedestrians being struck by cars. The grant allocation is one way to add a layer of safety to residents who use Litchfield’s sidewalks daily.
“Connecticut’s roadways are dangerous. The number of pedestrian fatalities has reached a level the state has not experienced in over 30 years, with 73 pedestrian deaths reported in 2022. It’s important to remember, pedestrians have the right of way,” they concluded.
The CCGP was designed to provide financial support for local infrastructure initiatives that make conditions safer, more accommodating, and equitable for pedestrians and bicyclists in urban, suburban, and rural centers.