
(HARTFORD) — In Thursday’s public hearing before the Veteran’s and Military Affairs Committee, State Representative Jason Perillo (R-Shelton) testified in support of a bill extending military tax benefits to certain unqualified Korean War Veterans. Proposed by Perillo in response to a constituent concern, Senate Bill 345 “An Act Concerning the Period of the Korean Conflict and the Wartime Service Property Tax Exemption” allows veterans serving up until 1957 to now qualify for tax relief.

Currently, state statutes define the Korean Conflict ending in 1953, despite the presence of American military and nuclear weapon guards up to 1957. This means that certain Korean War veterans cannot qualify for state tax benefits because they served beyond the 1953 cutoff.

“Our goal is to make sure that all those who gave their service are eligible for the benefit,” said Perillo during his testimony. “America still had troops on the ground in 1957 and reclassifying this end-date can support many veterans statewide.”

For more information on this or any state issue, please contact Rep. Perillo at  Jason.Perillo@housegop.ct.gov or at 860-240-8700. Don’t forget to follow Rep. Perillo on Facebook and Instagram as well as subscribe to his email updates at www.RepPerillo.com.