Perillo Defends Election Integrity Opposing Drive-Only License Bill

Posted on February 28, 2024


(HARTFORD) — On Monday, State Representative Jason Perillo (R-Shelton) testified in opposition of HB 5057 An Act Standardizing Drive-Only Licenses, which would permit the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to issue two types of driver’s licenses: one for driving-only and the other to drive AND to use for identification purposes…like voting.

Why it matters: this bill fails to differentiate drive-only licenses from standard driver’s licenses. If an illegal immigrant with an indistinguishable drive-only license attempts to register to vote on Election Day through same-day registration, volunteer poll workers could unknowingly facilitate voter fraud.

Right now, Connecticut has legislation in place that permits certain individuals to obtain drive-only licenses. For example, these would support immigrants who are seeking to legally immigrate but require a driver’s license to make a living and reside in our state while processing their citizenship.

HB 5057 fails to demand the DMV indicate the difference between drive-only licenses and standard driver’s licenses. Unless we have a mark or design showing the difference between these licenses, this could invite illegal immigrants to use drive-only licenses for same-day election registration and commit election fraud.
Perillo proposed a simple solution: design drive-only licenses to look different. A simple label, mark, or design will support our legal voters and ensure honest elections in our state, especially following the recent election fraud in Bridgeport.
Perillo stated, “Each November, poll workers ask two questions: ‘What’s your address?’ and ‘Can I see your license?’ Even though it’s not required, it’s happens every single election. So, let’s make this simple change and defend election integrity.”
For a clip of Rep. Perillo’s testimony, please visit the link here.
As always, please never hesitate to contact Rep. Perillo with your questions, ideas, and concerns about this or any state issue at or at 860-240-8700.