Posted on February 28, 2024
(HARTFORD) — On Monday, State Representative Jason Perillo (R-Shelton) testified in opposition of HB 5057 An Act Standardizing Drive-Only Licenses, which would permit the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to issue two types of driver’s licenses: one for driving-only and the other to drive AND to use for identification purposes…like voting.
Why it matters: this bill fails to differentiate drive-only licenses from standard driver’s licenses. If an illegal immigrant with an indistinguishable drive-only license attempts to register to vote on Election Day through same-day registration, volunteer poll workers could unknowingly facilitate voter fraud.
Right now, Connecticut has legislation in place that permits certain individuals to obtain drive-only licenses. For example, these would support immigrants who are seeking to legally immigrate but require a driver’s license to make a living and reside in our state while processing their citizenship.