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Tax Freedom Day is April 25th!

Posted on April 24, 2021


Once again, Connecticut’s tax burden is among the highest of any state in the nation. Residents in our state need to work longer than residents in 45 other states to pay their local, state and federal tax bills.

Tax Freedom Day is the day each year when the average citizen has earned enough to pay their combined local, state and federal tax bills. This year, Connecticut’s National Tax Freedom Day is April 25!

In more practical terms, YOU essentially work for the local, state and federal government for almost five months before you can begin paying your own bills and providing for your family.

Adding to this terrible news, the legislature’s Finance Committee voted to add nearly another $1.9 billion in taxes per year to the state budget with proposals to increase taxes and fees on everything from bottles and cans to gasoline.

Click here for more information, or go to: ​https://www.cthousegop.com/tax-day/

Connecticut can do better.