Posted on August 27, 2024
Lawmakers continue to offer proposals for long-term relief, demand a Special Session at
Today, House and Senate Republicans announced a petition drive calling for Majority Party Democrats and Governor Lamont to hold a special legislative session to tackle perpetually high electric rates in Connecticut.
The petition, which will be submitted to Connecticut’s Secretary of the State, states that the lawmakers deem it “necessary for the General Assembly to meet in special session” for the purpose of passing several policies which aim to provide ratepayers with long-term relief.
If you’re as upset about these electric rate increases as I am, I encourage you to join us and reach out directly to legislative Democrats to demand a special session at
The common-sense policy solutions we are offering will serve as a foundation for improving the state’s energy landscape in a way that will benefit ratepayers in the long run. Earlier this month, we outlined proposals to provide rate relief to customers who for years have been frustrated by costly bills, and once again urged action and reminded Democrats about the financial pressure on constituents caused by high electric bills.
The proposals outlined in the petition include: