Rep. Mastrofrancesco Re-Appointed as Ranking Member of Government Administration and Elections Committee
Posted on December 13, 2024

HARTFORD—House Minority Leader Vincent Candelora has re-appointed state Rep. Gale Mastrofrancesco, R-Wolcott, as the leading House Republican on the General Assembly’s Government Administration and Elections Committee, House Republicans announced on Friday.
As Ranking Member of the GAE committee, Mastrofrancesco will lead election and administrative policy initiatives on behalf of House Republicans. Rep. Mastrofrancesco is a staunch defender of the integrity of the state’s voting system. She is a leading voice in the House, fighting for people’s personal freedoms and against wasteful government spending. She was elected to her fourth term in office in November 2024.
“I am again honored by the trust that Rep. Candelora has placed in me with this re-appointment. The integrity of our elections is critically important, which is why I will support legislation and policies that restore faith in our system,” said Mastrofrancesco. “This session, the majority is sure to push high-risk changes that would open the door to fraud, and I intend to be a voice against any policy that would undermine the trust voters have in our system. We begin the new legislative session in January and I’m looking forward to getting to work.”
In the General Assembly, each legislative committee has four leadership posts. A Ranking Member serves as the leader of the minority party in committee meetings and works with the Committee Leadership to bring forward legislation, while also serving as a liaison to caucus members regarding important issues from each committee.
The Government Administration and Elections has cognizance on matters related to state and federal relations, interstate compacts, constitutional amendments, and all matters relating to elections and election laws, among other important roles.
Rep. Mastrofrancesco is available to answer any questions or concerns pertaining to state government. She can be reached by email at Gale.Mastrofrancesco@housegop.ct.gov or by phone at (800) 842-1423. You can also follow her legislative activity by visiting her website at www.repmastrofrancesco.com or her Facebook page at www.facebook.com/repgale