Rep. Mastrofrancesco, Conservative Caucus Opposes Lawsuit Against Federal Government

Posted on March 13, 2019


HARTFORD – Citing concerns from citizens in a letter to State Attorney General Tong, the legislature’s Conservative Caucus voiced its disapproval of his decision to insert Connecticut in a lawsuit against the Trump administration regarding the President’s recent national emergency declaration.

In an effort to secure the country’s southern border with Mexico, President Trump declared a national emergency on February 15. The President asserted that the need for border security necessitated the declared emergency to reprioritize funds to construct and bolster border fencing, electronic monitoring and personnel to stop the influx of illegal aliens.  Several Democrat attorney’s general have filed suit to block the emergency declaration and deny funding for enhanced border security measures.

“Regardless of political affiliation, or how one views the situation on our country’s southern border, immigration is a matter of national security and is the sole responsibility of the Executive Branch. The President’s declaration is a federal issue and does not warrant interference by the Connecticut attorney general,” Rep. Mike France, (R-42) Chair of the Conservative Caucus, said.

The U.S. Border Patrol has repeatedly recommended construction of a wall or fence along parts of the southern border to stem the flow of illegal aliens, drugs and criminal gang members from entering the country. The President has taken their recommendation seriously and plans to use federal revenue from Department of Defense appropriations to defend our nation.

At a press conference announcing the lawsuit, Attorney General Tong said he would assign the most senior attorneys in his office to this case.  This action does not best serve the interests of Connecticut residents.

“The role of the Attorney General is crucial to our state and we believe that experienced and learned staff attorneys would be better suited to reviewing matter and impact the State of Connecticut, not trying to intervene in federal matters that are outside the purview of our state’s legal team,” Rep. Craig Fishbein, (R-90) Vice Chair of the Conservative Caucus, said. “The State of Connecticut should not interject itself in this lawsuit and we urge Attorney General Tong to reconsider his decision.”

“The attorney general is entrusted with providing legal advice and opinions to state government while working to uphold our laws, not attempting to block a solely federal project that will be funded with federal funds and that will assist our government in actively working to enforce our country’s immigration laws,” Rep. Gale Mastrofrancesco (R-80) said.

The Connecticut General Assembly Conservative Caucus is a group of legislators dedicated to the principles of limited government, economic freedom, and individual liberty. Its members, Rep. Mike France, Chair (R-42); Rep. Craig Fishbein, Vice Chair (R-90); Rep. Anne Dauphinais, Secretary (R-44); Rep. David T. Wilson, Treasurer (R-66); Senator Rob Sampson (R-16); Rep. Tim Ackert (R-8); Rep. Doug Dubitsky (R-47); Rep. Rick Hayes (R‑51); Rep. Kurt Vail (R-52); Rep. John Piscopo (R-76); Rep. Gale Mastrofrancesco (R-80); Rep. John Fusco (R-81); and Rep. Vincent Candelora (R-86), foster open debate about the role of government in society, adherence to the Constitution, and the rule of law. They propose and advocate for legislation that promotes the freedoms, individual rights and prosperity of all Americans.
